Life insurance

Did you already think of insuring your most valuable capital, your own life ? We are able to protect you against those dramatic situations in which women and children are alone to struggle against the vicissitudes of life.

We have a large number of life insurance forms, each one adapted to a particular case (your life insurance premium may be paid partly as being a part of your taxations reductions). We also stay at your entire disposal for a mortage-loan you eventually might contract.

Partenaire Baloise - Invicta Art BelgiumPartenaire AG - Invicta Art BelgiumPartenaire Europ Assitance - Invicta Art BelgiumPartenaire Vivium - Invicta Art BelgiumPartenaire DKV - Invicta Art BelgiumPartenaire AXA - Invicta Art Belgium

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